Identity Theft is where someone obtains personal or financial information about you without your knowledge or consent. These can be taken, for example, when you are using the internet. Information such as your name and address as well as bank account and card details can be very valuable in the wrong hands. Once obtained, these details can be used to commit identity fraud, where goods and services are purchased in your name by deception.
We can all take steps to minimise the risk of becoming a victim of Identity Theft. Here are five ways you can help protect yourself:
Quite simply, a TransUnion Credit Report is a summary of your financial background and status. It's based upon the information contained within your credit profile, which is compiled by a UK credit reference agency.
Everyone has a credit profile. It's very important because it affects how financial organisations deal with you. For example, mortgage lenders and credit card companies use them to make a judgement on an individual's creditworthiness. Having a poor credit profile can result in you being turned down for a loan or being charged a higher level of interest.
Your personal TransUnion Credit Report is put together by our experienced team of analysts. Written in an easy-to-understand way, it's a summary of all the information held on you within your credit profile. Your profile is produced by TransUnion, a UK credit reference agency. It contains, for example, financial information provided by lenders such as banks and credit card companies.
Tenerity work with TransUnion who collect and analyse information. Collecting and analysing information received from organisations that have offered credit to consumers, they compile credit profiles for everyone in the UK. We use the information provided by TransUnion to produce your Credit Report, statements and alerts.
Yes, when you join Identity Secure, you will gain full access to your own personal TransUnion Credit Report.
Normally you will have instant online access to your TransUnion Credit Report once you receive your welcome pack. You should expect to receive your welcome pack in the post within 5-7 working days. If TransUnion are unable to validate proof of your identity immediately you may be asked to provide proof of your identity before you are able to access your TransUnion Credit Report.
Whenever you apply for a loan, mortgage or credit card, your credit profile may be accessed by the lender. Other organisations with a legitimate reason to view your profile may also examine it. Monitoring your TransUnion Credit Report, including who has accessed it, is all part of the Identity Secure service. You'll therefore know whenever an organisation has looked at your credit profile.
Your TransUnion Credit Report and monitoring services are specific to your own very sensitive data and so Identity Secure membership has to be on a personal basis only.
You can view your TransUnion Credit Report online once you have logged into the dedicated members' area of our website. Alternatively, you can request that a copy is posted to you.
Every lender considers different criteria when making a decision on whether to lend money. We recommend that you contact the lender in question to find out exactly why you have been declined.
A small number of dormant accounts can tend to have a slightly positive effect - although if you have lots of dormant or unused accounts, then the effect can be negative. Lenders like to see a balanced picture. They will score someone lower if they have lots of active credit accounts all near their limits. However, they would also be concerned as to why someone who has a number of dormant accounts is applying for more credit. Their worry is that the person could suddenly become over-indebted if they went out and used all the credit available to them.
Unfortunately, we are unable to make changes ourselves as your TransUnion Credit Report is based on the information provided by a credit reference agency. Only you, or the agency, can change or correct your records. You can speak to one of our trained consultants, who will discuss your TransUnion Credit Report with you.
Yes, absolutely. The information contained within your TransUnion Credit Report remains strictly confidential between you and us at all times. We adhere to a strict code of ethics and never share any of your confidential information with an outside agency for any reason, unless we are compelled to do so by law.
Yes, we retain copies of all the TransUnion Credit Reports that you request from us. If you have any questions or queries, you can call our highly trained credit profile management team at any time. The information on your Credit Report is, of course, confidential between you and us and we never disclose it to a third party.
Yes. Financial information is held for six years on your Credit Report.
Details of any active credit accounts, with up to three years' history, are held on your TransUnion Credit Report. Accounts are generally kept on the TransUnion Credit Report for six years after they have been settled.
Just click on the following link , which will take you through the steps to reset your password.
Simply sign in to your account, go to the 'My Account' page and update your details.
You should never reveal personal information by responding to an unsolicited email. If you receive a suspicious email claiming to be from us, please forward it to our team at and we will investigate it further. Stealing personal information through the use of fake emails is a practice which is unfortunately on the rise and is commonly known as 'phishing'.
Phishing emails appear to originate from a genuine company, such as a bank, charity or other legitimate organisation, and often directs the victim to a fake web site. The purpose of the email is to trick people into disclosing personal and confidential information. Once the perpetrators have your personal details, such as passwords, account numbers or login details, they can then conduct a number of different types of fraud.
It's important to be vigilant. You should be suspicious of any unsolicited emails you receive, even if they appear to come from a trusted source. Although we may contact you by email, we will never ask you to reconfirm your login details, your full password or personal information. If you do receive any email that concerns you, please contact us and we will investigate it further.
Payments are taken monthly, from the account you chose when you set up your membership. If you'd like to check or change your payment details, please call us on 0345 600 6236*.
We are sorry if you feel the need to complain. We want to hear from you because telling us gives us the chance to put matters right for you, and see how we can improve what we do for others.
Please contact Identity Secure on: 0345 600 6236
Email us at
or write to us at the following address quoting your Identity Secure membership number:
If we have not resolved your complaint to your satisfaction within eight weeks from when you first contacted us you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for an independent review. The Financial Ombudsman is an independent public body which aims to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses. The contact details are:
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
Using our complaints procedure or referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service does not affect your legal rights.
You can cancel your membership in the following ways:
1. The easiest option is to login to your online account and click the 'Cancel Membership' link.
2. If you have not activated your online account or have forgotten your login details, you can download a cancellation form from the website homepage.
Once it has been completed, please send it by email to
3. Alternatively, you can write to us at Identity Secure, Operations Centre, PO Box 5305, LANCING, BN11 9WD.
4. You can also call us on 0345 600 6236*. Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays).
* Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles and are included within free call packages. Please be advised calls are recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.
Credit management is the way you manage the money that you borrow from creditors; for example banks, store cards, mobile phone contracts and finance purchases. This information is held by credit reference agencies and makes up your credit profile. By monitoring your credit profile, you can also take action to improve it or correct information that's wrong.
Your credit profile is one of the things that lenders look at when deciding whether they will offer you credit. It can also affect the rate of interest they will charge.
By managing your credit profile and checking that all the information shown is correct, you can ensure that you are seen in the best possible light by lenders or other organisations when they decide whether to lend to you. You can also take action to improve your credit profile, we'll send you a credit summary so you can easily track your credit score. If you're a member you can find out more by signing into your Credit Tracker membership and click on My Credit Summary.
Your Credit Report is provided by TransUnion and is a summary of your financial background and status held by TransUnion. It gives an overview of your credit profile, including your credit score and rating. It's often used by lenders, such as mortgage and credit card companies, to make decisions on whether to lend to you.
It includes:
The report will help you to see what might be impacting on your credit worthiness and allows you to check that everything shown about you is correct. Incorrect information could impact your ability to get credit. Having a poor credit profile can result in you being turned down for a loan or being charged a higher level of interest.
If you would like to know more about how you can correct something on your TransUnion Credit Report, read the FAQ 'I've noticed something wrong on my TransUnion Credit Report. Can you help me?'.
This is a 3-digit numerical value ranging from 0 to 710 that is derived from a mathematical formula or algorithm that calculates your level of creditworthiness based on raw data in your credit file.
This is a single digit numerical value ranging from 0 to 5 that reflects your level of creditworthiness and is equivalent to your credit score.
Your report is compiled by TransUnion UK, one of the UK's leading credit reference agencies. As a credit reference agency, TransUnion is provided with information about you from organisations with which you have a financial relationship. In addition, TransUnion will also obtain information from public sources such as the County Court Judgment Register and electoral roll.
As long as TransUnion have been able to confirm your details, you can expect to receive your first TransUnion Credit Report within 5-7 working days. We post your first TransUnion Credit Report to you, along with your account details, to provide an extra level of security. After you receive your first TransUnion Credit Report you can view the latest version online whenever you like, or call us if you'd prefer to receive a paper copy in the post.
If you apply to borrow money or set up a contract, for example for a loan, a mortgage, a credit card or a mobile phone contract, the lender is likely to access your credit profile. Others companies with a valid reason may also do so. With Credit Tracker you'll receive an alert to let you know when a company has looked at your credit profile.
No, because the information in a credit profile is personal to you.
As long as TransUnion have been able to confirm your details, we'll post your first TransUnion Credit Report to you along with your membership details, to provide an extra level of security. After that you can check your TransUnion Credit Report any time online, or call us on 0345 600 6237* if you'd prefer a copy in the post.
You will find your TransUnion credit score on your TransUnion Credit Report. Your credit score is a number from 0 to 710 and is calculated using the details in your TransUnion credit profile (the summary of all your credit activity as reported to TransUnion). The higher your score, the easier you should find it to borrow money or buy goods on credit. A high score also means you're more likely to be able to get better deals with lower rates of interest.
In the UK there are three Credit Reference Agencies - Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Your credit score and rating may vary depending on the Credit Reference Agency.
Each lender calculates their own score for you and they may take into account other information, such as information their organisation already holds about you, or your employment circumstances. Your score can change depending on who you want to borrow money from.
It's not possible to say what a "good" credit score is as it's different for every lender. Lenders will take lots of things into account when deciding whether to offer you credit, including your credit profile information and other factors such as:
If your TransUnion credit score is lower than you were expecting, you can find out more in these FAQs:
You can see how your score compares to the rest of the UK by checking your credit rating, which gives you a rating from 1 to 5 stars. To understand more about your credit score and rating, see the FAQs 'What is a credit score?' and 'What is a credit rating?'.
Your credit rating is produced by TransUnion and will be from 1 to 5 stars. It's based on how you compare to the rest of people who also use credit in the UK. People with the top 20% of credit scores in the UK will get a 5 star rating, with the rest of the ratings based on segments broken down by a further 20% each time. So, a 1 star rating will be given to people who have the bottom 20% of UK credit scores.
Your score is a reflection of your credit history. It might be that you haven't used any credit for a while, so there won't be any information to show that you have a good history of paying off credit; this is one of the main factors lenders use to calculate your credit score.
Assets, such as your savings, don't have an impact on your credit score.
To learn more about ways to improve your credit score, see 'How can I improve my credit score and rating'.
There could be lots of reasons why your credit score is lower than you thought it would be, including:
You can find out more in your Welcome Pack, or on the My Summary page when you're signed in to your account. Or call us for more personal guidance on 0345 600 6237*.
If you've signed in you can also take a Credit Assessment to find out more about the reasons you may have a lower credit score.
Another FAQ that could be useful to you is 'How can I improve my credit score and rating'.
It could be for a number of reasons, as every lender is different. The best thing to do is to contact the lender directly and ask why they have declined you.
One or two credit accounts that you don't often use can have a slightly positive impact on your credit score. However, if you have a lot of accounts that you don't use it can have a negative impact. This is because it may indicate to a lender that you might use all the credit available to you at once, thereby getting into more debt than you can manage.
Of course.
As a Credit Tracker customer, you have full access to a dispute service which could help to correct anything you think could be wrong on your credit profile. We can't make the changes ourselves, because your TransUnion Credit Report is made up from information that TransUnion (the Credit Reference Agency) hold about you. But we can help you through the steps you might need to take to put things right. If you have found something that's wrong on your TransUnion Credit Report call us on 0345 600 6237*.
Your TransUnion Credit Report is confidential. Only you, TransUnion and our accredited service team can see details on your TransUnion Credit Report. All those with access to your credit profile information are only allowed to view it with your permission and only because we are doing so to help you. We do not share your information with anyone unless compelled to do so by law.
Yes, we keep a record of the TransUnion Credit Reports you have received since being a member of Credit Tracker, so you can call us and discuss an old TransUnion Credit Report if you'd like to. If you have set up your online account, you will see the full history online and can easily access all of your old TransUnion Credit Reports whenever you like. Just click on 'View My Credit Report' when signed in to your account.
Yes it will, if it was within the last six years. This is because your credit profile includes six years' worth of payment history. Late payments will have a negative impact on your credit score.
Lenders usually look at the last six years of your credit history. Your printed TransUnion Credit Reports will show you two years' worth of your credit history. You can see the full six year view when you look at your TransUnion Credit Report online.
You will receive Credit Profile Alerts. We keep an eye on your credit profile so we can let you know if there are any significant changes that might affect your credit score. This way you can keep on top of your finances and check that you were expecting the activity.
For example we let you know about increases or decreases to balances, new credit accounts being taken out, missed payments and also settlements. We will always let you know if the activity has had a positive, negative or neutral impact to your credit score. If there hasn't been any activity in a month, we'll also send you an alert to let you know so that you can be sure we're still monitoring your credit profile.
You will receive your alerts by email but you can choose to get your alerts by text message if you wish. You can also view all your alerts online when you sign in, by clicking on 'My Alerts'.
You can change your alert preference any time if you're signed in to your online account, or call us on 0345 600 6237*.
There are lots of things which can help to improve your credit score, including:
You can find out more in your Welcome Pack, or on the My Summary page when you're signed in to your online account. Or call us for more personal guidance on 0345 600 6237*.
If you've signed in you can also take a Credit Assessment to find out more about the reasons you may have a lower credit score.
No, checking your own TransUnion credit report does not impact your credit score although it will show as a search.
If you have a County Court Judgement (CCJ), this will be shown on your TransUnion Credit Report. The CCJ will remain on your credit profile for six years, although if you have paid it off it will be marked as 'satisfied' and lenders will see that you've settled that debt.
The CCJ can only be removed if it is paid in full within one month of being issued.
If you think the CCJ has been made in error, you should contact the County Court that raised the judgement - this will be on your TransUnion Credit Report. You can find the Court's contact details either by searching online for them or by giving us a call on 0345 600 6237*. We can't get the judgement removed for you, but we'll help you get in touch with the right County Court.
Just click here and follow the steps to reset your password for your online account.
There are two ways to change your email address. You can either call us on 0345 600 6237*, or, if you've signed in, visit the 'My account profile' page and update your details online.
Credit Tracker is provided on a monthly rolling contract, payments are taken monthly and will be charged to your chosen Credit Card Account once TransUnion have validated your identity and you are able to access all the features.
You can choose to pay by Direct Debit, debit card or another alternative credit card Account once you have received your Welcome email.
If you'd like to check or change your payment details, please call us on 0345 600 6237*.
Payments are taken monthly, from the account you chose when you set up your membership. If you'd like to check or change your payment details, please call us on 0345 600 6237*.
We are sorry if you feel the need to complain. We want to hear from you because telling us gives us the chance to put matters right for you, and see how we can improve what we do for others.
Please contact Credit Tracker on: 0345 600 6237*
Email us at
or write to us at the following address quoting your Credit Tracker membership number:
If we have not resolved your complaint to your satisfaction within eight weeks from when you first contacted us you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for an independent review. The Financial Ombudsman is an independent public body which aims to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses.
The contact details are:
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
Using our complaints procedure or referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service does not affect your legal rights.
You can cancel your membership in the following ways:
1. The easiest option is to login to your online account and click the 'Cancel Membership' link.
2. If you have not activated your online account or have forgotten your login details, you can download a cancellation form from the website homepage.
Once it has been completed, please send it by email to
3. Alternatively, you can write to us at Credit Tracker, Operations Centre, PO Box 5305, LANCING, BN11 9WD.
4. You can also call us on 0345 600 6237*. Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays).
* Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles and are included within free call packages. Please be advised calls are recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.